Saturday, 25 January 2014

Causes of Kidney Disease

Causes of Kidney Disease

Kidney is one of the tools expenses (excretion) in the body, shaped like a bean whose function filter wastes from the blood and throw it together with water in the form of urine. If the kidneys can not perform its function would be fatal to the body, and in the world of medicine known as kidney failure. In order to prevent the occurrence of kidney disease in our body, then we need to know what are the things that can cause kidney disease and the tipe.

Tipes of renal disease in the two diseases, namely acute renal failure and chronic kidney disease each tipe has a different cause the following descriptions

Causes of Acute Renal Disease
Causes of acute kidney disease can be divided into three major grups, namely :
Pre-renal causes, ie, reduced blood flow to the kidneys. It can be caused by :
hypovolemia (blood volume less), such as heavy bleeding.
Dehydration due to fluid loss, such as vomiting, diarrhea, fever and sweating a lot.
Dehydration due to lack of fluid intake.
Drugs, such as diuretic drugs that cause excessive discharge in the form of urine.
Impaired blood flow to the kidneys caused by a blockage in the blood vessels of the kidneys.
The cause of renal where damage occurs in the kidney.
Sepsis : The body's immune sistem is redundant because there is an infection that causes inflammation and damage to the kidneys.
The drugs are toxic to the kidney.
Rhabdomyolysis : muscle damage resulting in damaged muscle fibers clog the filtration sistem of the kidneys. This can occur due to trauma or severe burns.
Multiple myeloma.
Acute inflammation of the glomeruli, the disease systemic lupus erythematosus, Wegener 's granulomatosis, and Goodpasture's syndrome.
Causes of postrenal, where the flow of urine from the kidney.
Blockage of the urinary tract (bladder or ureter) cause the flow of urine to the kidneys reversed. If the higher pressure it can cause kidney damage and kidney become dysfunctional again.
An enlarged prostate or prostate cancer can inhibit the urethra (part of the urinary tract) and inhibit bladder emptying.
Suppress tumor in the abdomen and obstruct the ureter.
kidney stones
Causes of Chronic Kidney Disease
Causes of chronic kidney disease is usually caused by some serious illness, which will affect slowly to damage of your kidneys. Some diseases that act causes kidney disease are :
Hypertension or high blood pressure. High blood pressure that is not controlled, will damage the blood vessels and nephrons in the kidney there. Where the damaged nephrons can no longer do its job to filter out all the waste, sodium and excess fluid from the blood. The presence of excess fluid and sodium that are in your bloodstream it will give extra pressure on blood vessel walls and cause your blood pressure to increase the excess. With the excessive blood pressure which is the main factor causing kidney failure.
Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes Mellitus)
The blockage of the urinary tract (stones, tumors, narrowing/stricture)
Autoimmune disorders such as systemic lupus erythematosus
With cancer (cancer)
Kidney disorders, where there are many developmental cysts in the kidneys themselves (polycystic kidney disease)
The presence of cell damage in the kidneys filter either by infection or inflammation due to the effects of high blood pressure. Medical terms is called glomerulonephritis.


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