Inflammation of the tonsils or tonsillitis
Not a few parents are concerned when their child had a swelling of the tonsils (tonsillitis). Because, fever, headache, difficulty swallowing, or loss of voice is ensured sekurang-kurangnya effects suffered by the child.
That makes the situation more difficult, because the swelling of the tonsils can be easily repeated. Tonsillectomy choice then becomes a consideration. Unfortunately, myths about tonsillectomy is still strong public believed.
That the effort would likely eliminate the body's immunity. Is this true? It is true that the tonsils serve ambush germs that are not easily enter the respiratory tract. Unfortunately, like a marble-sized organ located behind the left and right side of the throat is easily injured.
Function as a fi lter germs juicet do not make the condition is so rare. The entry of micro-organisms (bacteria or viruses) that attacked him. Moreover, when a virus or bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes mononucleosis resides there.
Inflammation can easily happen that it is not likely interfere with the respiratory tract. " Tonsillitis too often does not hurt, but the tonsil is red, " said Dr. Agus Subagio Sp, ENT Hospital Puri Indah, Jakarta.
Enlarged tonsils are not always due to infection (because of germs), but some patients who suffer from allergies that lead to nasal congestion or mouth breathers are also other situations that trigger swelling of the tonsils.
Based on the time course of inflammation, tonsillitis can be divided into two conditions. First, acute tonsillitis, in which inflammation lasts less than three weeks. Commonly affects children age 5-10 years. Second, chronic tonsillitis which has a frequency of recurrence can be reached seven times in one year or 10 times in two years. Or at least could happen three times in one year for three consecutive years.
The second condition that can lead to airway obstruction. Symptoms experienced by patients with tonsillitis quite diverse. Besides those mentioned above, can be a parched throat, fl u, runny nose, nausea, around the neck looks swollen, and bad breath.
If not addressed promptly can lead to various complications, such as ear and sinus infections or abscesses (pus swelling) in the throat.
" While the symptoms in children are usually followed by obstructive sleep apnea (OSA/disorders and difficulty sleeping), for example, sleep snoring, respiratory arrest followed by choking, bedwetting, and behavioral disturbance, " said Agus.
If that happens then the child sleep quality was not maksimal. Despite the long duration of sleep, but the child does not fi t or fit when awake. Because OSA occurs because the flow of oxygen into the lungs is not commensurate with its needs. Sleep disturbance is also, Agus, can inhibit the growth of a child.
Because the poor quality of sleep a child can not optimize growth hormone release and recovery of cells which would otherwise be perfectly happen when sleeping. Gradual Treatment of tonsillitis can be done gradually.
Start a useful antibiotic therapy to kill bacteria/viruses that attack. Meanwhile, when tonsillitis often appear with frequency and lead to severe inflammation and respiratory tract could disturb or interfere with eating, it needs to be reached by surgical removal.
According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, tonsillectomy criteria divided into two, namely the absolute criteria of operation and relative criteria (to be considered). Operation of which the absolute criteria, there has been enlarged tonsils cause airway obstruction, difficulty swallowing, sleep disorders, or cardiac complications and pulmonary infections due to Streptococcus bacteria.
Then there are a large sized boils in the area around the tonsils that can not be treated with medication or drainage (drainage of pus), and has resulted in febrile seizures.
While the relative operating criteria, such as infection of the tonsils at least 5-7 times a year and often recur despite treatment, resulting in bad breath, bacteria/viruses that are not working anymore with drugs, enlarged tonsils suspected tumor or cancer.
Age Myth Then, what about the myths surrounding post tonsillectomy? To be sure, said Agus, removal of tonsils did not age.
" In the past, the child is considered to be a great first, the age of 6-7 years. But I had done a couple of times a child three years of operation and there is no permasalahan, " he said.
During this time, the medical records mention that the downward mode rate tonsillectomy is not being left behind. However, due to tonsillitis reliever medications, especially antibiotics the better the quality.
Saturday, 25 January 2014
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