Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Step By Step Skin Care

Step By Step Skin Care

Leather is one of the main parts of our body. So it is important to protect the skin from damage caused from a variety of substances, especially radical facial skin which is the crown for women. To treat facial skin to remain clean shine the most important, is not doing things that can cause skin irritation such as scratching the skin, squeeze pimples or blackheads and change the dressing sloppily cosmetics will cause skin irritation and rashes rash.
Here are some anjuran for facial skin care
1. Use moisturizers - skin care shooting.
Our skin needs a moisturizer, but not all moisturizers suited for us. To get glowing skin that everyone should be aware of each skin style and should get the right moisturizer according to skin style. The main benefit of pelelmbab for face and body is to help maintain skin moisture, especially for frequent activity in the air-conditioned indoors or outdoors with the heat and humidity. Moisturizer when used after bathing will give good results, may often times after using soap when finished bathing facial cleanser facial skin feels tight and dry after a shower because the body will lose the oils from the skin, this moisturizer which replaces lost oils and helps to always maintain the skin in humid conditions.
2. Make it a habit to use a toner
in addition to facial moisturizers also require decontaminating or toner. Toner helps to remove dirt, make up and some amount of unwanted oil on the skin, so the skin breathe and regenerate bias to dispose of dead skin cells and replaced by new skin cells making skin appear cleaner will not dull glow.
3. Resist the urge to squeeze a pimple
Scratching or squeeze acne will lead to a rash of rash and will only increase the risk of skin layers causing open wounds and infections of the skin and this will invite bacteria to enter. Avoid squeezing pimples or blackheads habits or do better in beauty clinics that are experts to do facials.
4. Avoid direct sunlight
To protect our skin from dangerous sun rays need assistance sunscreen lotion or sun krim. Sunscreen lotion serves to prevent our skin from premature aging and the appearance of danger spots or dark spots on the face. Good sunscreen should contain active ingredients like titanium oxide or zinc oxide.
5. The food varies with the concentration of antioxidants.
Foods that contain lots of antioxidants mostly from fruits and vegetables, often times the ahi advised to consume fruits and vegetables to take care of our skin, the following fruits and vegetables contain anti-oxidants such as apples, avocado oil, apricot, asparagus, beans, meat cows, beet, berries, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cantaloupe, carrots, cauliflower, corn, dairy products, eggplant, orange, garlic, grape seed oil, free peppers, green tea, kale, kiwi, mangoes, nectarines, nuts, leaves of the olive oil, onions, oranges, papaya, peaches, plums, pumpkins, poultry, raisins, red grapes, red bell pepper, seafood, spinach, snow peas, soybeans, pumpkins, strawberries, sunflower seeds, sweet potatoes, tangerines, tea, tomatoes, tuna, whole wheat, yellow peppers. Anjuran on when to consume fruits or vegetables that contain anti- oxidants should be eaten raw after washed or steamed not too ripe because if mature will eliminate tion, anti-oxidant substances.
6. Drink 8 glasses of water a day.
Try every day to drink approximately 8 glasses of water a day to help it avoid dry skin, particularly those that are in the air conditioned room.
7. Use homemade skin care products with antioxidants.
Caring for the face should not use high-priced products, but could use a relatively inexpensive traditional products sepertu use lemon jus. Product lemon can be used in addition to vitamins and antioxidants are also relatively easy to obtain an affordable price, the following skin care using homemade ingredients :
Use a mask of a mixture of 1 banana mashed with dilute 3 drops of lemon jus. Help take care of our skin is always clean shining and smooth.
Mask of a mixture of 1 teaspoon honey, 1 drop of sweet almond oil and 3 drops of lemon jus. Apply the mixture to your face, leave on for 15-20 minutes then rinse with water, then dry with a towel. It helps reduce the signs of premature aging.
Drinking water with lemon daily. The benefits of drinking water with lemon can give the effect of a alami, healthy glow to the skin. Lemon water can purify the blood of toxins and helps balance the skin's alami pH level. In addition it helps in exfoliating dead skin cells and neutralize free radicals that damage.
While the benefits of lemon water itself is to help take care of facial skin of blackheads, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, lighten dark patches and fade scars.


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