Saturday 25 January 2014

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer 

Breast cancer is cancer of Breast Cancer 

Breast cancer is cancer of breast tissue. It is the most common jenis of cancer suffered by women. Men can also develop breast cancer, although less likely than 1 in 1000. The most common treatment is surgery and if necessary followed by chemotherapy and radiation

clinical symptoms 
Clinical symptoms of breast cancer may include : 

1. Lump in the breast 
Usually a painless lump in the breast. The lump was small initially, the longer will be the greater, then attached to the skin or cause changes in the skin on the breast or nipple. 

2. Erosion or nipple eczema 
Skin or nipple had become interested in (retraction), pink or brownish skin to become edema up to look like an orange peel (peau d'orange), contract, or arising ulcers (ulcers) in the breast. Ulcers that the longer and the greater depth so as to destroy the whole breast, often foul-smelling, and bleed easily. Other characteristics include : 

Bleeding nipple. 
Pain or pain generally arises when the new tumor has been great, had ulcers arise, or when it appears metastasis to the bones. 
Then comes the enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit, swelling (edema) in the arms, and the spread of cancer throughout the body (Handoyo, 1990). 
Advanced breast cancer is very easily recognized by knowing operbilitas Heagensen following criteria : 

there is extensive edema of the breast skin (over one third broad breast skin) ; 
satellite nodules on the skin of the breast ; 
Breast cancer is the jenis of mastitis karsinimatosa ; 
There parasternal tipes ; 
There supraclavicular nodules ; 
arm edema ; 
the presence of distant metastases ; 
and there are two of the signs of locally advanced, namely skin ulceration, skin edema, skin fixed to the chest wall, axillary lymph node diameter 2. 5 cm, and axillary lymph nodes attached to each other. 
3. Discharge (Nipple discharge) 
Nipple discharge is a discharge from the nipple spontaneously and not normal. The liquid that comes out is called normal if it occurs in women who are pregnant, breast-feeding and contraceptive pill users. A woman must be vigilant when out of bloody nipple discharge watery liquid with red or brown, out on his own without having to massage the nipples, continues, only in one breast (unilateral), and liquids other than breast milk. 

Stage cancer is a condition of physician assessment results when diagnosing a disease suffered by cancer patients, has been the extent to which either the rate of spread of the cancer to the organs or tissues around and deployment elsewhere. Stadium is known only in malignant tumors or cancer and none in the benign tumors. To determine the stage, should be supported by clinical examination and other investigations that histopathology or PA, X-rays, ultrasound, and if possible with a CT scan, scintigrafi, etc.. There are so many ways to determine the stage, but the most widely adopted today is the stage of the cancer based on the TNM classification sistim recommended by the UICC (International Union Against Cancer of the World Health Organization)/AJCC (American Joint Committee On Cancer, sponsored by the American Cancer Society and American College of Surgeons). 

In the TNM system 
TNM is an abbreviation of " T " is the tumor size or the size of the tumor, " N " is the node or regional lymph nodes and " M " that is metastatic or distant spread. Third factor T, N, and M assessed both clinically prior to surgery, even after surgery and histopathological examination (PA). In breast cancer, TNM assessment as follows : 

T (tumor size), the size of the tumor : 
T 0 : primary tumor was not found 
Q 1 : tumor size of 2 cm or less in diameter 
T2 : tumor size of 2-5 cm diameter 
Q 3 : The size of the tumor diameter 5 cm 
Q 4 : How tumor size alone, but had no spread to the skin or chest wall or both, may be ulcers, edema or swelling, or redness of the breast skin there is a small bump on the skin outside the main tumorbreast tissue. It is the most common jenis of cancer suffered by women. Men can also develop breast cancer, although less likely than 1 in 1000. The most common treatment is surgery and if necessary followed by chemotherapy and radiation. 

clinical symptoms 
Clinical symptoms of breast cancer may include : 

1. Lump in the breast 
Usually a painless lump in the breast. The lump was small initially, the longer will be the greater, then attached to the skin or cause changes in the skin on the breast or nipple. 

2. Erosion or nipple eczema 
Skin or nipple had become interested in (retraction), pink or brownish skin to become edema up to look like an orange peel (peau d'orange), contract, or arising ulcers (ulcers) in the breast. Ulcers that the longer and the greater depth so as to destroy the whole breast, often foul-smelling, and bleed easily. Other characteristics include : 

Bleeding nipple. 
Pain or pain generally arises when the new tumor has been great, had ulcers arise, or when it appears metastasis to the bones. 
Then comes the enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit, swelling (edema) in the arms, and the spread of cancer throughout the body (Handoyo, 1990). 
Advanced breast cancer is very easily recognized by knowing operbilitas Heagensen following criteria : 

there is extensive edema of the breast skin (over one third broad breast skin) ; 
satellite nodules on the skin of the breast ; 
Breast cancer is the jenis of mastitis karsinimatosa ; 
There parasternal tipes ; 
There supraclavicular nodules ; 
arm edema ; 
the presence of distant metastases ; 
and there are two of the signs of locally advanced, namely skin ulceration, skin edema, skin fixed to the chest wall, axillary lymph node diameter 2. 5 cm, and axillary lymph nodes attached to each other. 
3. Discharge (Nipple discharge) 
Nipple discharge is a discharge from the nipple spontaneously and not normal. The liquid that comes out is called normal if it occurs in women who are pregnant, breast-feeding and contraceptive pill users. A woman must be vigilant when out of bloody nipple discharge watery liquid with red or brown, out on his own without having to massage the nipples, continues, only in one breast (unilateral), and liquids other than breast milk. 

Stage cancer is a condition of physician assessment results when diagnosing a disease suffered by cancer patients, has been the extent to which either the rate of spread of the cancer to the organs or tissues around and deployment elsewhere. Stadium is known only in malignant tumors or cancer and none in the benign tumors. To determine the stage, should be supported by clinical examination and other investigations that histopathology or PA, X-rays, ultrasound, and if possible with a CT scan, scintigrafi, etc.. There are so many ways to determine the stage, but the most widely adopted today is the stage of the cancer based on the TNM classification sistim recommended by the UICC (International Union Against Cancer of the World Health Organization)/AJCC (American Joint Committee On Cancer, sponsored by the American Cancer Society and American College of Surgeons). 

In the TNM system 
TNM is an abbreviation of " T " is the tumor size or the size of the tumor, " N " is the node or regional lymph nodes and " M " that is metastatic or distant spread. Third factor T, N, and M assessed both clinically prior to surgery, even after surgery and histopathological examination (PA). In breast cancer, TNM assessment as follows : 

T (tumor size), the size of the tumor : 
T 0 : primary tumor was not found 
Q 1 : tumor size of 2 cm or less in diameter 
T2 : tumor size of 2-5 cm diameter 
Q 3 : The size of the tumor diameter 5 cm 
Q 4 : How tumor size alone, but had no spread to the skin or chest wall or both, may be ulcers, edema or swelling, or redness of the breast skin there is a small bump on the skin outside the main tumor


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